Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Light up the Candle of Love

This blog is being launched on May 13, 2008, the date bears significance when spoken in Hindi. Guru Nanak Dev ji, one of the greatest of seers and prophets that the Land of Ind ever nurtured and brought up expounded the significance of the number 13, otherwise deprecated in the West as inauspicious. Understood in Hindi, the word signifies the act of surrender, germinal to the Vedic ritual of yajna, wherein the individual surrenders his/her all to the Absolute Transcendental Reality That is All Blissful and All-Knowing. It is appropriate enough that on such a 'selfless' day, one should think of the message of Love preached by the icon of Selfless Love, regarded by every Christian as the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who overturned the Law of the Past to plant in its stead the firm Rock of Love. The Candle of Love burnt by him by giving up his mortal remains for the Redemption of humankind must burn for all times to come so that this Creation may go on.

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