Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Pause

Pauses are significant in life. No individual can continue to work non-stop, without running the risk of a mental or physical breakdown. What to speak of individuals, even machines need to be rested or else they could act funny.

Nature, like a great artificer, has worked out a unique balance between phases of action and rest, to keep its works going. But, modern (wo)man under the influence of the corporate mantra of ceaseless action has been at pains to defy this simple law of Nature. No wonder, (s)he feels out of place when (s)he is plucked out of the gyrating routine of work. (S)he looks for one activity or another to pre-occupy him/her-self to beat the blues of 'no-work'.

The problem is compounded by the target-oriented work schedule imposed on his/her life. It interferes with his/her assessment of 'what-constitutes-work'. Social interaction certainly gets banished from this haloed circle. And signs of it in other people's lives are contemptuously wished away as 'wasteful-indulgence'.

The result is the transformation of the human individual into a 'corporate automaton'. Someone who gets switched on like a tube-light and switched off too in the same fashion, with the beginning and ending of the work-schedule.

Bereft of his/her 'human-ness', (s)he is like the wheel of Sisiphus for ever in motion, mentally or physically. This lies at the heart of most of the modern lifestyle/ stress-related ailments.